Sunday, March 3, 2013

Chilean Patagonia

I've realized something important. I'm curious and I wonder...

Do trout live in families? Or alone?
Does a river change like the ocean tides, with the moon? Or is it only rain that affects the river levels and behavior?
Where do the pumas hang out during the day?
Why don't I see dead street dogs (Chile has MANY street dogs)
How does a rooster know to crow at 10AM on Sundays, and not at dawn? Or, Are Chilean roosters always late at crowing? They tend to be later than dawn..
Why don't schools teach geographically-appropriate science education?
Why can gorgeous roses grow everywhere in Chile when it's a country of 4,000+ km?
What unites all US citizens?
How can I live more sustainably?

How is it that the heart wins over logic?
Whose to say what's right or wrong if cultural differences include differences in human and community values?
Why did I chose to come to Chile?
Why do I feel like I need an answer to that?

I've got many more. Any questions that keep you up at night?

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