Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

John 20

He has risen. INDEED! 

We read that Mary Magdalene thought grave robbers had taken Jesus' body. But, why would they leave all the materials that robbers are seeking? 

We read that John beats Simon Peter to the tomb but Simon Peter is the brave one to enter as John hesitates to go inside. 

Now comes the really cool part. John starts to realize that when Jesus said he would rise after 3 days, he wasn't kidding around. His body rose from the dead. I can believe something magnificent created this Earth and created our whole universe. I recognize each person on this Earth is unique and our body is a mystery to modern science. But, a human body being raised from the dead? This has been the most difficult part of faith. Indeed. 

Luckily, Jesus is pretty smart and knew there would be doubt. 

John 20:29 "...Have you (Thomas) believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." 

That's ME! I went through years of doubt and years of seeking some sort of meaning and explanation to life. All that searching led me to where I had the most doubt, and the least evidence. Or so I thought. 

The Bible is all we have. And that Bible has been translated in so many different languages over centuries. The story stays the same in any culture where Christianity has spread. Jesus Christ died for us, so that we have lift. His Father sent him here for us. 

All over the world, Christians celebrate the most marvelous day - the day that Jesus rose from the dead. I have faith that Jesus rose from the dead. He actually walked the Earth after being nailed to a cross and stabbed through the side. I believe and it has given me life. 

Peace be with you. 

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