Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Kappa and a Loose Bolt

I met an awesome Kappa alum tonight for a drink and decided to take the new bike for a spin. It was about a 30 minute ride in traffic to the pub but so worth it! Riding in traffic is a new natural high for me. I am not that fast on my bike or all that talented. Denver has quite a few badass bikers. They are really fast. Anyway, I got this single speed track bike that I can convert to a fixed gear pretty easily. Sweet. Just that I really like having brakes on my bike. The fixed gear would result in fixed fear!
So I was riding home from having a beer at a pub in Wash Park and took the scenic ride home, still on a busy traffic street at 9 PM. It was uphill for a while and a single speed means you don't switch gears because there is only one gear. The hill was not that much of an incline but I had to take a break. When I started to ride again I noticed I was barely moving. Weird, I am not that tired. Then I realized - my back tire was not rotating. At all. The back bolt was loose. Luckily I have this amazing roommate who has a 15 mm tool (that I need to go buy) and she and her boyfriend biked over to save the day! Hooray! I biked home.
you know you are a kappa when....there is a loose bolt around.

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