Sunday, January 8, 2012

first world problems

some friends and I had a mini road trip and I caught up with the times.

I'm sure I've heard it in the past, but I've got buzzing between my ears all hours of the day. So, I became fluent in the phrase:

"that's a first world problem"

1 - facebook changes AGAIN. how do I block that crazy stalker?
2 - google plus. what is the purpose? no one uses it!
3 - I can't remember the log-in and password for my student loans website. wait, I have ANOTHER student loan to pay off? shoot!
4 - damn traffic lights. Oh yeah, I have a car to drive, money for gas and no payments
5 - I-70 traffic is horrible coming down from the mountains on a Saturday evening!
6- my bike helmet doesn't match my bike.
7- no PBR on tap!? WHAT! How can I be a hipster!?
8 - I forgot my iPhone charger. No cell today.
9 - Our dryer does not dry clothes well. It takes 2 rounds
10 - ah! the garage door opener sticks and it drives me nuts!

Here's some perspective
1- Less than 60% of Denver Hispanic students graduate from high school
2- Less than 50% of Denver students who enter in 9th grade graduate from high school
3 - By 8th grade, there is a 32% gap in Hispanic students' and white students' math scores on the national test
4- Latino and Black students in Colorado are unsatisfactory in 10th grade math. That means, they are significantly failing the state math test. That is a score of below 50% on the math test.
5- 70% of special education students nation-wide are African-American. Can someone stop and check that out, please?
6- Fewer than 10% of black and Hispanic students participate in higher level, rigorous courses. Why NOT!?
7- There is a 31 point difference in 8th grade math standardized test scores between black and white students. 31 points!
8 - The gap between male and female black and white students widens between 4th and 8th grade
9 - there is a 30 million word gap by age 3 for children from low income homes versus children from middle-income homes. 30 millions words! That is already 3 years - or more - behind in reading
10 - The black student college graduation rate is 42%. Black women are far more likely to graduate than black men: 47% vs. 36%

Think twice before complaining that you are out of dishwasher soap. And remind me to think before I am sad my snowboard wasn't waxed before a big powder day.

Ask yourself this question -
How much money do you have invested in yourself right now?
How much is it worth to invest in someone else?

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