Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Went to my first Bikram yoga class last night with my friend Krista. I am a believer and feel transformed. After running and weight lifting I feel strong and healthy but nothing like I felt after the Bikram class. It was my first time, so I was watching the girl in front of me - and she was good - but the poses were easy to attempt because the teachers words were direct and simple. Good teaching is good teaching. I'm definitely going back. Yoga memberships are expensive though! $69/month!!! So worth it in my book. We were at the only certified Bikram studio in Denver; apparently the teachers have to study with Bikram himself and have over 700 hours of practice before opening their own studio.

I loved it. I felt strong, healthy and secure. Such a great workout. The heat wasn't even that big of a deal, considering I lived in Phoenix where temperatures are in the 90s and 100s most of the year.

If you haven't tried Bikram, make it a 2010 goal. I hope you will feel as empowered as I did. Problem is, I couldn't fall asleep because I was so energized from the 90 minute sweat session.

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