it is only fair to say that Denver is the best city I've lived in. Thus far. There might be a city sometime in the future that aligns just as well with my lifestyle, but for this moment, Denver hits any criteria I would consider important.
Ashley is in town this weekend - still here, as I sit at school administering final exams - and we hit this city up for everything it's worth.
Friday was First Friday, where art galleries open their doors and their hearts to the public for free, usually with some bubbly at a small table in the back. Ashley and I checked out some great artists. One of them really caught my eye. John Fielder is a photographer here in Colorado. His prints make me feel like I am standing in the midst of the snow, on top of the mountain or right next to the aspens. I can feel the fresh mountain air. Now if I only had an extra $4,000 to buy and mount a gorgeous photo in my rental house.
We also discovered Tribe Tattoo. More on that topic later...
We went to the People's Fair in downtown Denver where artists from all over Colorado and a few out-of-towners set up shop and sell their goodies. Ashley was amazed at the number of people in tattoos and the quantity of pet dogs accompanying their owners. If you want to live in Denver, you've got to ride a bike or own a dog. Or both. I've got the single speed/fixie for now. If you need a dog-sitter, I'll gladly offer my services.
We went to Lola where my lovely friend Charles is the sous chef and man, he can COOK. I love Lola for so many reasons: the downtown view of Denver, the bar is gorgeous, the open kitchen and the tequila. Oh, the tequila is marvelous. Such a good pairing with my flavorful ceviche and seared tuna. Head to the Highlands if you are in Denver and want to experience the BEST restaurant in this town!
We hiked the Flat Irons on Sunday. Check out the webcam! In true Colorado summer fashion, there were drops of sparkling rain along there was only 1 lonely grey cloud amongst the crystal blue sky. The Flatirons were stunning and the hike was a breath of fresh air.
To finalize the weekend, we started summer with Jazz in the Park. In City Park there is free jazz each Sunday from 6-8pm. If you are a Denver resident and haven't gone, get over there on Sundays! We made red and white sangria and had people over from Fellowship and other friends. I made some great new friends this weekend. Gotta love Denver and its amazing people. I am so blessed to be around great people. We had quite a good time; the sangria bowls were pretty much licked clean.
Summer - how I love thee :)
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