I was lucky enough to be a part of a great group of people - Emily, Hunter, Jonathan, Mark, Tom, another Jonathan, Patrick, and then many more were part of the Alley Clean Up Crew - you all ROCK! I was really grateful to spend time with H; he leads our worship most Sundays and it was great to get to know him as a person. I am very blessed to have found a church that focuses on our relationship with Jesus and then our role in our community. As I meet more people and learn more about the church, I am excited to build relationships within the community and grow as a Christian with this awesome body of believers!!
Belle was the star of the day - almost 90 years old (this September). We cleaned up her yard, gutters and painted her railings on her porch. I enjoyed being on the roof of the house, cleaning gutters and cleaning out overgrown branches. All the work my Mom had me doing in her gardens prepared me to clean out Belle's rose gardens. She has great rose bushes but they were definitely in need of some care. She was such a sweet old lady; all her family is coming in this September to celebrate her birthday. She was so adorable, hanging out with us outside and making cute jokes. 90 and still a firecracker.
Fellowship Denver definitely is starting to grow on me...
p.s. I got a tattoo...

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