Monday, January 16, 2012

New Year.... New Me? Yeah, right!

There is one new habit I do need to develop.


My dentist had me imagining a life without teeth when I was sitting in that chair. I had visions of applesauce, Jamba Juice, and flan flying across my taste buds. No more chewing gum!? Pass me the floss. Apparently, flossing every day is a big deal. So, here we go. I did not floss last night. But, I didn't really have a night that ended.... so tonight, I will floss.

The idea of new year = new habits is silly to me. I already am in pursuit of my best self. I'm a fire, an Aries. We already take life by the reins and compete with our best self. I can't lose, because I am keeping a tally of almost every big positive and negative event. When I see big gains in my students' scores? That earns big positives. When I forget to follow up with an email? A negative. But then, I take a tourist's photo for their family at the mountain. That is a positive. And fun because I get to play the accent game: Where are they from?

If I were to reflect on my competitive nature, I know my competitive spirit is like a piece of green play-doh. The essence is all there: the eye on the prize, the strategy to be #1, the determination and dedication. But, ask a high school friend, a college friend, a Teach for America friend and a present-day friend about my competitive spirit and I'll bet there are a few different interpretations. Every time I get a chance to mold something new, something better - I take it.

I like the present-day version best. Obviously. I'm an Aries and we improve - not go backwards.

When I look back on last year and look forward into this year, I know I will continue to make mistakes - just hopefully not the same ones. I made plenty of wrong turns in 2011 so I am ready for the time when I take a path and need to make a U-turn, and put myself back on the right track. I'm prepared to fail because it has happened often. I'm equally as prepared to win.

a new year? What does that really mean for me?

Make mistakes (again). Improve (again). Reflect and change course (again). Find a new challenge (again). Become a more effective teacher (again). Seek out my best self (again).

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