Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Dream Box

If I didn't join Teach for America... where would I be right now? I am about to finish year 4 of teaching math - how did that happen?

I I wasn't teaching...
I'd be living somewhere in South America with a backpack, my snowboard and better dancing flow.

I can't think of anything else I would want to do. Ha.

Because I did join Teach for America, now I want to...
- work as a policy analyst or consultant to get the DREAM Act/ASSET bill passed. I want ALL students to have the opportunity to go to college for in-state tuition. If a kid goes through K-12 in Colorado, aren't they a resident of Colorado? C'mon America.


- work for immigration reform in Washington DC, Arizona, Colorado or California to help legal US children who were born into undocumented families get health insurance. Did you know that a US citizen who has parents that are undocumented doesn't have access to health care until they are 18!? YIKES. Remember when you had ear infections, needed stitches and went to the dentist and got a prize from the treasure chest?


- be a ski bum in Crested Butte, Steamboat or Telluride. Then run marathons in the summer and fall.

Ah, the beauty of life is that I just might do any one of these things sometime soon. Teaching a blast, for now.

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