Man, I just really love this. This place was called templo de la luna - Temple of the Moon. Legend has it this is where the Incan people would study the stars and moon. No one really knows. My theory? It was so tough to get to - descending from the main temples and living area to get to the Big Rock - and then descend that one, that this was a place of solace. Or a party spot for the workers who got shafted by the big-wigs.
Whatever theory works for you, I know for me it was breath-taking and inspired me to connect to what was going on in my heart and body. Yoga helps me find balance and allows my mind to play out slowly. If you know me, you know my mind runs on two planes at once. I felt so insignificant at this spot but also so valued.
Machu Picchu.
verano 2010
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