My friend Sarah has run quite a few since she jumped in with me for a few miles in the Chicago. I am definitely inspired by her dedication to training and her focus :)
My previous marathon training experience was exceptional. I joined the AIDS Foundation running group and met the most wonderful, vibrant new friends. We ran together each week over the course of the training program - 6 months. I had SO much fun running that we would run 20 miles and think, wow - did we just run for 2.5 hours? Really? I was the youngest, and one of the only straight people in my group. So these gentlemen were anything but vanilla. Our conversations were one for a comedy skit!

As I start to commit to training, I am thinking of a few things..
waking up really early in the summer and early fall to run for 3 hours
eating a lot of bagels and whole wheat pasta
the running belt
new playlists to keep me going!
all the running trails and paths in Denver and Boulder to explore!
The runner's high. Oh, how I love thee
Let's do this! Now - my trip to South America will include lots of early morning runs and I am pretty sure my cross-training will include the tango and playing real football
Denver Marathon 2010.
Atta girl! I'm going to sit this one out. I can't imagine training for a marathon in the Mile High City without actually living and training at that altitude. But I'll be cheering you on the entire way!!! Thanks for the shout out :) Oh, and I love the "vanilla" reference (missing sorority recruitment??) Miss you xoxo