Miles are accumulating and I am about ready to forget 1 of my 5 suitcases in a Denver alley. But...All I know is that I am so blessed. My family is so.much.FUN. My friends? Silly, supportive and just freaking fabulous. In the last year, I had 3 friends come visit plus the parents' trip. This year? May have some more takers! Who's coming!?
My cousin Jess and I had serious quality time together. Lunched, walked, read WWII letters between our grandpa and his parents, had a sleepover and reviewed our Before 30 list.
Laura and Seba got married! Dreamy wedding spot, right?! The love was apparent, visible and filled every square inch of that dance floor. We swam at the creek, I ran the canyons, we sat at the pool and I may have botched tried translating the speech of my friend, and the best man, \from Spanish to English. Not easy with an improv speech.
Dad, "What are you doing today?" Me, "Well, having breakfast, reading my book, you?"
"Thinking about going for a plane ride. Want to fly and have lunch somewhere?"
Those headphones felt just right on a FNT>ARB flight; we even surprised my cousin Jess at Zingerman's on her lunch break.
I've got hottie high school friends, right? And Amanda and I didn't even plan our outfits together!
These two Tigers hadn't gone to a game in…. 20 years! I didn't even know they were young enough to have that problem. Thank goodness we fixed that with some scalped tickets in Mo-town. It's cute that they match, isn't it?
All these friends, these trip and our hours/days/weeks together were AMAZING. Met friends' newborns, sat on a boat (I'M ON A BOAT!), ate and laughed on rooftops and patios, got picked up at airports and noticed how smart I must be to enjoy such fabulous friends.
What did I learn? Nothing beats a Michigan summer, Colorado has a big chunk of my heart and I'm a little bit crazy - but so excited - for going back to Chile on Monday <3 font="">3>